The melting pot from which all garden roses have evolved, these Species Roses are just a small selection from the hundreds in existence. Most are single flowered and are valued for the wonderful diversity of scents, foliage, hips and Autumn colouration. Some could even be called Wild Roses, discovered among hedgerows or in forests. Their simple unadulterated beauty lends them an affinity with wilder planting schemes.
Pruning Guide
They require little pruning except the removal of any dead wood. Once established it is recommended some of the oldest shoots be cut right back after flowering to encourage new growth, remembering that flowers and fruit are produced on the previous years wood.
a.k.a The Field Rose, or 'Shakespeare's Musk'. A vigorous trailing or rambling rose. Masses of single, white (2cm diameter) blooms in clusters or individually with a strong, musky scent. Slender, glaucous, purple stems. Summer flowering only. Small, round red hips follow. Very shade tolerant. Size 250 x 200cm.
Out of stockRosa californica 'Plena' has semi-double hollyhocks shaped lilac pink flowers. Produces some small orange red fruit in the autumn. Summer flowering. Size: 3m x 2m.
Out of stockRosa davidii has small pink flowers with golden stamens in the center. It's well regarded as one of the best wild roses to grow for hips, which are flagon shaped in a reddish orange colour. Size: 1.5m x 1m
Out of stockRaised at Kew from seed sent by Father Hugo. Pale yellow single blooms smoother the plant in May. Ferny foliage. Scented. Forms a large dense shrub. Small black hips. Size:2.4 x 1.8m.