7 Water Saving Tips for your Roses

1. Plant into open ground.
Roses can survive in incredible temperatures and are found thriving in some of the warmest places on earth, they have deep roots so the more their roots can grow downwards the better. When making a hole to plant, make sure to loosen any hard layers of soil at the bottom, this will help them develop deeper roots sooner. Generally after one year, an open-ground rose will have developed a strong enough root system to not need any hand-watering.
2. Water during evenings or early morning
This is when the soil is coolest and prevents instant evaporation when the water first touches ground. Remember to always water the soil around the base, not the leaves!
3. Mulching
Adding a layer of organic material around the base of your rose will help keep the soil damp, aiding water retention. It can also add nutrients to the soil. Good options for water saving include garden compost, grass cuttings and well-rotted manure.
4. Create a ridge around the base of your roses.
Build a circular ridge of soil around the neck of your roses to catch water. This is especially useful on slopes and uneven borders.
5. Use Pot Saucers
Both plastic or terracotta saucers can prevent unnecessary runoff if placed under a pot. They can also be topped up directly, helpful if you’re planning to be away for periods of time.
6. Recycle Water
With hosepipe bans in parts of the country it may be worth looking at reusing water. Roses are very hardy to most things so greywater such as bath, shower or dish water will not harm a rose if used over short periods (remember to read the label to make sure detergents are eco-friendly). Water butts that store rainwater runoff are also a must have addition for any garden.
7. Not black plastic
Black will absorb heat which can burn and overheat roots. Using lighter coloured plastic pots is the best option. We use taupe coloured pots that are also recyclable friendly.