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  • Blanc Double de Coubert

    Rugosa Rose

    From £15.95
    Large pure white semi-double fragrant blooms. Excellent disease-resistant foliage. Forms a dense shrub. Useful for hedging. Perpetual flowering. Size:1.8m x 1.5m.
  • Katie’s Rose

    Modern Shrub Rose

    From £14.95
    Katie's Rose is a velvety deep red bush rose which repeat flowers throughout the summer. Highly centered blooms form, then gradually open to reveal a yellow center. Compact upright shape with lovely mid-green foliage. Size: 120cm x 80cm.
  • Clair Matin

    Modern Shrub Rose

    From £14.95
    Clair Matin forms a large shrub, bearing a good supply of semi-double clear pink fragrant blooms. Repeat flowering, with sumptuous dark green foliage, Clair Matin is great for adding blocks of colour to the back of borders, or even against a wall. Size: 1.8m x 1.2m.
  • Milky Romantica

    Modern Bush Rose

    From £14.95
    Milky Romantica is an Award-winning rose with charming pure white flowers. It enjoys an uninterrupted blooming habit of bunches of very double flowers from May until first frosts. Its compact bushy habit make it ideal for pots or at the front of a border.  90cm x 60cm.
  • Sugar Moon

    Modern Bush Rose

    From £14.95
    Sugar Moon is a tidy modern bush rose with well-formed pointed white blooms, and mid-green and glossy foliage. It has a strong sweet fragrance and flowers throughout the season. Excellent disease resistance. Size: 120cm x 80cm.
  • Out of stock

    Queen of the Musks

    Hybrid Musk Rose

    From £14.95
    Queen of the Musks is a popular Musk rose, especially in France. Strong scent. Dark and elongated foliage. Repeats well. Colour varies from light orange, pale pink to bright white. Forms a large shrub, although if hard pruned can be tamed to a comfortable 3 feet. Size:1.5m x 1.2m.
  • F. J. Grootendorst

    Rugosa Rose

    From £14.95
    Clusters of small, frilled, double crimson blooms. Good dark foliage. A vigorous bushy shrub with an arched habit that does well in most soils. Repeat flowering. Size: 1.2 x 1.2m.
  • Out of stock


    Rugosa Rose

    From £14.95
    Very large reddy mauve blooms. Enormous large red hips in the Autumn. Good scent. Excellent healthy foliage. Recurrent flowering. Size:1.5m x 1.2m.
  • Rosa rugosa ‘Alba’

    Rugosa Rose

    From £14.95
    Large,pure white,single blooms. Good scent. Large round orange fruit hips. Good Autumn foliage. Continuous flowering. Size: 1.5m x 1.5m.
  • Pink Grootendorst

    Rugosa Rose

    From £14.95
    Clusters of small frilly- petalled blooms of clear pink. Leathery foliage. Attractive arched habit. Vigorous thorny plant. Perpetual flowering. Size:1.2m x 90cm.
  • Sarah van Fleet

    Rugosa Rose

    From £14.95

    A good hybrid Rugosa. Cupped double pink blooms in clusters. Very strong perfume. Perpetual flowering. Leathery foliage. Upright bushy growth. Ideal for a tall hedge. Size:1.5 x 0.9m

  • Roseraie de l’Hay

    Rugosa Rose

    From £14.95
    Large semi-double blooms of crimson-purple. Very strong spicy perfume. Good healthy foliage. Excellent for a hedge. Repeat flowering. Size:1.8m x 1.5m.
  • Sander’s White Rambler

    Rambling Rose

    From £14.95
    Clusters of small double pure white flowers. Dark glossy foliage. Scented. Pliable growth is easy to train. Summer flowering. Size:3.6m x 2.4m.
  • After Plant Liquid Rose Feed 1L

    Rose Care Product

    A concentrate liquid Rose Feed that can be used during growing season to help roses with more abundant flowering and lusher foliage. The feed contains organic, beneficial soil microbes such as mycorrhizal fungi for healthy growth. Child and Pet friendly. Good for container growing. Directions: Apply 2-8 capfuls in a watering can and then pour as a root drench. Amount of capfuls depends on size or location of the rose. Minimum application 40ml per feed.
  • After Plant Rose Food 1kg

    Rose Care Product

    Empathy After Plant Rose Food is specially designed follow on feed that has been endorsed by the Royal Horticultural Society. It includes essential nutrients, rootgrow mycorrhizal fungi and beneficial bacteria, which promote strong and healthy roses throughout their life. The nitrogen fixing bacteria increases nitrogen flow into the plant, helping create natural plant growth hormones, such as auxins that naturally encourage healthy plant growth. The product is a dry granule formulation and is ideal as an early season treatment from first signs of new growth. A second treatment is recommended in the summer. (25-50g per application per rose) Re-sealable pack Sustained plant nutrition Vitality Improved flowering
  • Out of stock

    Rootgrow 150g

    Rose Care Product

    Rootgrow is a completely natural product containing mycorrhizal fungi which has been endorsed by the RHS. These friendly fungi form a symbiotic relationship with the roots of most plants effectively increasing their size many fold. This helps the plant in several ways; Improves nutrient uptake which boosts flowering and fruiting. Greater resistance to drought( useful on lighter soils). Reduces need for chemical fertilizers. Improves resilience to rose replant disease. Simply sprinkle in the hole when planting. Sufficient for 5 Roses. Can only be purchased with your rose order.


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