Shade Tolerant Shrubs and Bushes




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  • Pear

    Pheno Geno Rose

    From £15.95
    Pear bears flowers in lovable clusters, blooming continuously opening its silky flower buds one after another. Petals are large. Its gentle pink colour will be best displayed in the moderate sun. Bushy habit, good for hedging. Size 100m x 80cm.
  • Fruhlingsduft

    Modern Shrub Rose

    From £14.95
    Creamy yellow fully double blooms with apricot centres. Fragrant. Vigorous growth furnished with large leathery leaves. Late Spring flowering. Size:2.4m x 1.8m.
  • Out of stock

    Rosa pimp. ‘Marbled Pink’

    Species Rose

    From £15.95
    A.k.a Rosa spinosissima 'Marbled Pink'. Small open double flowers of pale pink overlaid with a streaking of deeper pink. Scented. Dense bushy growth. Black globular hips. Dainty yet very robust. Spring Flowering. 1m x 1m.
  • Fruhlingsgold

    Modern Shrub Rose

    From £14.95
    Semi- double primrose yellow large blooms smother a vigorous upright shrub with arching branches. Pleasing scent. Late Spring flowering. Black Hips in autumn. Size:2.1m x 1.5m.
  • Out of stock

    Rosa pendulina ‘The Alpine Rose’

    Species Rose

    From £15.95
    The Alpine Rose is an early flowering thornless rose. It has delicate but striking deep pink flowers and small, neat leaves. Prefers plenty of space, as it can reach a great height. In the autumn it produces long, orange flagon shaped hips. Size: 1.7m x 1.5m.
  • Cerise Bouquet

    Modern Shrub Rose

    From £15.95
    A large sprays of outstanding cerise pink blooms. Fragrant. Vigorous arching growth with greyish foliage. Healthy.Very thorny. Makes a fabulous specimen rose. Summer flowering . Size: 2.5 x 2.5m. Perfect for pollinators.
  • Jens Munk

    Rugosa Rose

    From £16.95
    Named after the Norwegian explorer and just as tough. This violet-pink, semi-double Rugosa has charming yellow stamens. Ideal to be trained as a hedge, with its welcoming scent. Smaller in foliage and stature than most Rugosas. Repeats. Size 1.2 x 1.2m.
  • Fritz Nobis

    Modern Shrub Rose

    From £15.95
    Clusters of full pale pink with a hint of salmon blooms. Pleasing fragrance. Leathery grey foliage on an arched bushy shrub. Very Healthy. Summer flowering. Size: 1.5m x 1.2m.
  • White Grootendorst

    Rugosa Rose

    From £15.95
    Clusters of semi-double, pure white blooms with a frilly carnation-like appearance. Forms a robust, thorny shrub with leathery foliage. Repeat flowering. Size:1.2m x 0.9m.
  • F. J. Grootendorst

    Rugosa Rose

    From £14.95
    Clusters of small, frilled, double crimson blooms. Good dark foliage. A vigorous bushy shrub with an arched habit that does well in most soils. Repeat flowering. Size: 1.2 x 1.2m.
  • Gipsy Boy

    Bourbon Rose

    From £14.95
    Gipsy Boy, a.k.a Zigeunerknabe, is a strong growing shrub with a mass of crimson purple blooms showing golden anthers. Vigorous growth. Scented. Summer flowering. Size:1.8m x 1.8m.
  • Mme. Legras de St Germain

    Alba Rose

    From £15.95
    Perfectly formed rosettes of white with cream centers. Fragrant. A relatively thornless shrub with grey green foliage. Useful as a large shrub or small climber. Summer flowering. Size: 1.8m x 1.2m.
  • Out of stock

    Rosa californica ‘Plena’

    Species Rose

    From £15.95
    Rosa californica 'Plena' has semi-double hollyhocks shaped lilac pink flowers. Produces some small orange red fruit in the autumn. Summer flowering. Size: 3m x 2m.
  • Peach Grootendorst

    Rugosa Rose

    From £15.95
    Clusters of peachy pink quilled blooms. A large vigorous shrub. Leathery Rugosa foliage. Rare. perpetual flowering. Size: 1.2m x 0.9m.
  • Rosa moyesii ‘Sealing Wax’

    Species Rose

    From £15.95
    A large shrub bearing single flowers of deep pink. Ornamental flagon-shaped hips in the autumn which last well into the winter. Summer flowering. Size:2.4m x 2.0m.
  • Rosa moyesii

    Species Rose

    From £16.95
    Sent from China by Wilson. Single crimson-red blooms with creamy stamens produced on a large shrub. Ornamental flagon-shaped hips in autumn. Summer flowering. Size:3m x 2.4m.
  • Prince Charles

    Bourbon Rose

    From £15.95
    Prince Charles has an abundance of flowers at Midsummer. Tyrian purple with deeper crimson veining. A vigorous yet lax variety best grown as a climber or pegged down. Summer flowering. Size:1.8m x 1.2m.
  • Rosa moschata ‘Autumnalis’

    Climbing Rose

    From £15.95
    a.k.a. Princess of Nassau. Clusters of semi-double cream flowers emerge from red tinged buds. Plentiful light green foliage. Flowers from July to September. Strong fragrance. A good shorter climber. Size: 3.0m x 2.5m.
  • Rosy Cushion

    Modern Shrub Rose

    From £14.95
    Clusters of single scented blooms of pink with paler centres. Good dark green glossy foliage which form a dense shrub. Hardy and healthy. Continuous flowering. Size:1.2m x 1.2m.
  • Chianti

    English Rose

    From £16.95
    Clusters of semi-double rich purple-maroon blooms with golden anthers. Stems are long which make it an excellent choice as a cut flower. Strong and sweetly scented. Dark green well foliated shrub. Vigorous. Size:1.5m x 1.2m


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