Repeat Flowering Old Roses




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    Hybrid Musk Rose

    From £15.95
    Unique beauty. Single blooms of cerise pink paling to ivory white in the centre with prominent stamens. Very healthy. A good autumn rose. Continuous flowering. Size:1.2m x 1.2m.
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    John Hopper

    Hybrid Perpetual Rose

    From £15.95
    An upright bush bearing large cerise pink-lilac cupped blooms. Light foliage. Good scent. Suits border. Recurrent flowering. Size: 1.2m x 0.9m.
  • Souvenir de St. Annes

    Bourbon Rose

    From £15.95
    Souvenir de St. Annes has semi-double blush pink blooms. Its continuous flowering, bushy growth and powerful fragrance make it excellent for pollinators. Stands up well to wet weather. Size: 1.5m x 1.2m.
  • Mme. Pierre Oger

    Bourbon Rose

    From £15.95
    Mme. Pierre Oger has globular blooms of ivory white tinged pink. Strongly scented. Slender upright growth. Perpetual flowering. 1.2m x 90cm.
  • Honorine de Brabant

    Bourbon Rose

    From £15.95
    Honorine de Brabant is a subtly striped rose of lilac pink and mauve. Light green pointed foliage. Almost evergreen. Rich fragrance. Healthy. Repeat flowering. Height 1.8m, Spread 1.5m.
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    Moss Rose

    From £15.95
    Lightly mossed buds open to glowing pink double slightly muddled blooms. Very Fragrant. Compact sturdy plant with reddish mossy stubble. Repeats well. Size:1.2m x 0.9m.
  • Quatre Saisons Blanc Mousseux

    Moss Rose

    From £15.95
    Sport of 'Quatre Saisons'. Clusters of highly mossed buds open to reveal pure white semi- double blooms. Highly scented. Tidy upright and bushy. Repeat flowering. Size: 1.2m x 0.9m.
  • Rosa moschata

    Species Rose

    From £15.95
    The authentic Musk Rose. Thought to be 'Shakespeare's Musk'. Clusters of highly fragrant single white flowers . Strong growth,grey-green foliage. Starts flowering July but continues until September. Makes a short climber or large shrub. Size:3.0m x 1.8m.
  • Gloire Lyonnaise

    Hybrid Perpetual Rose

    From £15.95
    Semi-double creamy white blooms on a very erect shrub. Virtually thornless. Withstands wet weather better than most. Repeat flowering. Size:120 x 60cm.
  • Out of stock

    Paul Neyron

    Hybrid Perpetual Rose

    From £15.95
    One of the largest flowered roses. Huge prize winning loosely double blooms of deep pink. Good fragrance. Vigorous upright habit. Healthy. Repeat flowering. Size:1.5 x 1.0m.
  • Hugh Dickson

    Hybrid Perpetual Rose

    From £15.95
    Large double blooms of bright crimson on a tall vigorous plant. Strong fragrance. Repeat flowering. Pegs down well or can be used as a climber. Size: 2.1m x 1.2m.
  • Variegata di Bologna

    Bourbon Rose

    From £15.95
    Very unusual fully double cupped blooms of crimson stripes on blush pink. Forms a large shrub. Good fragrance. Flowers June and July and can repeat flower occasionally. Size:1.5m x 1.4m.
  • Souvenir de la Malmaison

    Bourbon Rose

    From £15.95
    Souvenir de la Malmaison has huge, full, quartered blooms of blush white. Very free flowering. Superb fragrance. A short spreading bush. Perpetual flowering. Size: 1.2m x 1.2m.
  • Baroness Rothschild

    Hybrid Perpetual Rose

    From £15.95
    A classic rose. Large cupped blooms of clear rose pink. Sweet scent. Grey green foliage. Useful when an erect habit is required. Repeat flowering. Size:1.2m x 90cm.
  • Louis XIV

    China Rose

    From £14.95
    One of the darkest roses of all, Louis XIV's double deep crimson blooms appear almost black and have a lovely velvety texture. Contrasting golden stamens. Requires extra TLC to perform well. Sparse but compact foliage. Highly fragrant. Repeat flowering. Size 90cm x 90cm.
  • Daybreak

    Hybrid Musk Rose

    From £14.95
    Clusters of semi-double, small fragrant blooms. They are yolky- yellow in the bud paling to cream as they open. Contrasting chocolate brown stems and dark foliage. Repeat flowering. Size: 1.2m x 1.0m.
  • Dainty Bess

    Tea and Old Hybrid Tea Rose

    From £14.95
    Dainty Bess is a single flowered hybrid Tea of Sophistication. Large blooms of silvery pink with maroon stamens. Sweetly scented. Dark green leathery leaves. Vigorous upright habit. Perpetual flowering. Size.90cm x 60cm.
  • Dusky Maiden

    Tea and Old Hybrid Tea Rose

    From £14.95
    Large single blooms of dusky crimson offset by golden anthers with a strong fragrance. The flowers are borne in clusters amidst dark green foliage. Repeat flowering. Size 90cm x 90cm.
  • Moonlight

    Hybrid Musk Rose

    From £14.95
    The dark brown stems and dark green leaves provide the perfect background for the semi- double white flowers with golden stamens. Sweetly scented. Perpetual flowering. Size:2m x 1.5m.
  • Old Blush

    China Rose

    From £14.95
    Old Blush, a.k.a 'Parsons Pink China', has semi-double soft pink blooms, with a light, delicate scent. First to flower and continues until Christmas. Garden Worthy. Size: 1.8m x 1.2m.


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