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  • Rambling Rector

    Rambling Rose

    From £14.95
    Rambling Rector has masses of small semi-double highly fragrant white blooms. Very vigorous growth. Summer flowering. Requires room to flourish,as it can grow to 6m x 4.5m
  • Rambling Rosie

    Rambling Rose

    From £14.95

    This Gold Standard award winner is a repeat flowering rambler bearing clusters of small semi-double bright red blooms. Good strong growth and exceptionally disease resistant glossy foliage. Continuous flowering. Size:3m x 2.5m.

  • Ramona

    Climbing Rose

    From £16.95
    a.k.a Red Cherokee. Large delicate single blooms of cerise crimson with a paler reverse. Dark red wood and glossy foliage. Requires sheltered site. Summer flowering. Size:2.4m x 3.6m
  • Rhapsody in Blue

    Modern Shrub Rose

    From £14.95
    Clusters of purple flowers which fade to lilac with age. Wonderful fragrance. Vibrant healthy foliage. Good for the cottage garden. Continuous flowering. Size: 150 x 90cm
  • Robin Hood

    Hybrid Musk Rose

    From £15.95
    The medium-sized scented blooms come in large clusters and are cherry red with a white base to each petal. A dense compact grower with good dark foliage. Repeat flowering. Size: 1m x 1m.
  • Rosa arvensis

    Rambling Rose

    From £14.95
    a.k.a The Field Rose, or 'Shakespeare's Musk'. A vigorous trailing or rambling rose. Masses of single, white (2cm diameter) blooms in clusters or individually with a strong, musky scent. Slender, glaucous, purple stems. Summer flowering only. Small, round red hips follow. Very shade tolerant. Size 250 x 200cm.
  • Rosa bracteata

    Climbing Rose

    From £17.95
    Rare. Huge single white flowers with a prominent boss of yellow stamens. Flowers late but continues up until frosts. Almost evergreen foliage. Needs a very sheltered site. Can be grown as a shrub but best as a climber. Supplied on own roots. Size 2m x 2m+
  • Out of stock

    Rosa californica ‘Plena’

    Species Rose

    From £15.95
    Rosa californica 'Plena' has semi-double hollyhocks shaped lilac pink flowers. Produces some small orange red fruit in the autumn. Summer flowering. Size: 3m x 2m.
  • Rosa cantabrigiensis

    Species Rose

    From £15.95
    A large shrub of upright growth but with arching side shoots smothered with pale yellow single blooms in May. Orange red hips in autumn. Spring flowering. Size :2.0m x 1.5m. Perfect for pollinators
  • Rosa davidii

    Species Rose

    From £16.95
    Rosa davidii has small pink flowers with golden stamens in the center. It's well regarded as one of the best wild roses to grow for hips, which are flagon shaped in a reddish orange colour. Size: 1.5m x 1m
  • Rosa dupontii

    Species Rose

    From £15.95
    Fairly large pure white single blooms on a vigorous shrub with very distinct grey-green foliage. Virtually thornless. Sweetly scented. Summer flowering. Size : 1.8m x 1.2m.
  • Rosa ecae

    Species Rose

    From £16.95
    Bright yellow flowers of R. ecae are a joy to behold in Spring. Buttercup-like blooms adorn this tall and slender stemmed shrub which is native of central Asia. Red hips form in Autumn. Thought to be a parent of Rosa Canary Bird.  Size: 2m x 1.5m.
  • Rosa farreri ‘Persetosa’

    Species Rose

    From £15.95
    a.k.a Threepenny Bit Rose, Rosa elegantula 'Persetosa'. Tiny lilac pink flowers in abundance on a very graceful shrub with bristly stems. Ferny foliage turns purple in autumn with bright orange hips. Summer flowering. Size:1.5m x 1.5m.
  • Rosa foetida Bicolor

    Species Rose

    From £15.95
    a.k.a Austrian Copper. Flame orange with a yellow reverse to the petals. Pale green foliage. This colouration has been passed on to many modern varieties Summer flowering. Size:1.5m x 1.2m.
  • Rosa forrestiana

    Species Rose

    From £15.95

    A vigorous shrub with fine purple green foliage. The single carmine pink flowers are followed by very decorative flagon-shaped hips. Summer flowering. Size:2m x 2m.

  • Rosa gallica

    Gallica Rose

    From £15.95
    The French Rose. Perhaps the most important ancestor of all our garden roses. Single pink blooms with prominent golden stamens. A freely suckering shrub. Light green foliage. Bristly stems. Scented. Summer flowering. Size:90cm x 90cm.
  • Rosa gallica ‘Complicata’

    Gallica Rose

    From £15.95

    A vigorous shrub bearing a multitude of large single pink blooms with a white centre and golden stamens. Seems to thrive in some very poor conditions. Very healthy. Good scent and pollinating insects. Summer flowering. Size:2.4m x 2m.

  • Out of stock

    Rosa helenae Hybrid

    Rambling Rose

    From £16.95
    Clusters of small double flowers of creamy white emerge from yellow buds. Highly fragrant. Dark green glossy foliage. Summer flowering. 3m x 3m.
  • Rosa hugonis

    Species Rose

    From £15.95
    Raised at Kew from seed sent by Father Hugo. Pale yellow single blooms smoother the plant in May. Ferny foliage. Scented. Forms a large dense shrub. Small black hips. Size:2.4 x 1.8m.
  • Rosa longicuspis

    Rambling Rose

    From £15.95
    An exceptionally vigorous rambler. Huge sprays of single white scented blooms. Polished almost evergreen foliage. Tiny orange-red hips. Summer flowering. Size:6m x 6m.
  • Rosa moschata

    Species Rose

    From £15.95
    The authentic Musk Rose. Thought to be 'Shakespeare's Musk'. Clusters of highly fragrant single white flowers . Strong growth,grey-green foliage. Starts flowering July but continues until September. Makes a short climber or large shrub. Size:3.0m x 1.8m.


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